The Importance of Regular Computer Audits for Business Security

As cybersecurity threats become more sophisticated, companies cannot afford to be complacent regarding their IT infrastructure security. Performing regular computer audits is a critical component of maintaining robust defenses for any business, big or small.

Why Audits Matter

While firewalls, anti-virus software, and endpoint protection solutions provide good security baselines, they cannot guarantee full protection as technology rapidly evolves. Audits help validate that systems are truly secured as per company policies and industry best practices.

Audits can uncover gaps like missing patches, inactive users still signed in, outdated software lacking the latest security features, misconfigurations in networks and applications, suspicious activity slipping through existing defenses, and more. Catching such issues early significantly reduces the risk of major attacks down the line.

Beyond Core Infrastructure

The scope of audits must expand as the extent of digital infrastructure in most businesses grows today. External facing assets like customer portals, cloud services, and APIs need auditing alongside internal networks and servers. Expanding mobile workforce and BYOD policies make device security audits equally important.

With remote work environments, auditing access control and privilege management becomes even more critical to minimize insider threats. Vendors, contractors, and partners connected to corporate IT systems also fall within the perimeter to be regularly audited.

Setting Up for Success

Frequent security audits must involve internal IT teams along with third-party cybersecurity firms to lend outside expertise, tools, and standards. Ideally, audits should be conducted every quarter. Companies can start by doing informal self-assessments even more regularly, resolving issues in between formal external reviews.

Auditing needs executive backing to ensure cooperation, timely closure of findings, and continuous improvement across lines of business. Making it a key agenda item before company boards further helps keep focus on this vital aspect of enterprise security.

Regular computer audits combined with promptly acting on their insights help reinforce defenses and build a resilient security posture for dealing with growing cyber risks. No company can afford to compromise on this today.